Tuesday, June 08, 2004


I should be doing my work, but instead, I figured that I would take a little time to update how things are going between me and her. So far this week, we have not really argued much or had any fights that has resulted in anything that would be concerning. The only thing that still remains that has been a minor irritation for me is the constant suspicion. She will still ask me if I am, have, or will cheat on her. I don't know why on earth she keeps asking me; despite all of our problems, I would never cheat. If I really felt like I wanted to go out with another person, I would definitely break up first. I really would. Ironically, all of the bad experiences that we have had together does not make me want to cheat, but rather makes me want to give up on all relationships ever. Why should I subject myself to another potentially abusive relationship?

Tomorrow, we'll see the counselor again, and I plan on talking about her jealousy. I suspect that we'll also talk about some of my negative issues that affect her. This was what the counseling session was leading up to at that point, so we'll see what happens.


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